Friday 26 October 2012


 This world in which we live (planet earth) is an infinitesimal part of the whole universe.
The universe is not a product of accident. There is a master mind that created the universe.
Can you imagine a dress without a tailor/ seamstress?
Can you imagine an unbranded car just appearing without a car manufacturing company?
Can you imagine any form of design of any matter that was not first conceived in someone's mind before coming to reality?
Therefore, there has to be a master mind that conceived these things before their eventual reality.
That master master mind is in God (2) .
That is why nothing happens by accident. God sustains all things by the same force by which they were created (3,4).
For anything to go wrong there must have been a process, a cascade of events (known or unknown) which lead to the accident (5).
Can you imagine the sudden malfunction of the law of gravity? Cars will begin to float, planes will jet off into outer space, you will not be able to sit e.t.c. Someone put these laws into place to ensure law and order (6).
Therefore, you are not a product of chance (7). The events in your life are products of many factors that interplay to create them. Someone (the master mind) thought of you before you came into existence (8).
He is interested in every detail of your life. He is your source (9). If you fail to maintain a link with the master mind, the living God, you are cut off from creativity and you are like a branch plucked off the tree.
Any attempt to sustain your life by your own strength or understanding (which many of us and our governments are trying to do) will lead to failures and frustrations.
Thus, the first step to enjoy life is to accept that there is a God and to link up with him.

1. Genesis 1:1, The Bible
2. Genesis 1: 2-31, The Bible
3. Hebrews 1: 3b
4. Psalms 100: 3
5. Acts 17: 28
6. Psalm 19:4, 104:9
7. Romans 5:1
8. Psalm 139:14-16
9. Jeremiah 1:5

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